

The 2021 Dairy Calf and Heifer Association (DCHA) Annual Conference kicked off April 6th. Producers and industry professionals from across the country were able to come together to learn from each other. This year the conference was also offered virtually and producers from across the globe were able to join in and view the presentation sessions through Zoom....

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The “gut” and its health are not only critical for digestion, but for life itself. Optimal Calf health begins with a healthy gut. We need to establish a healthy gut microbiome from birth as this will have a profound impact on a calf’s life. Most of their immune system is found in the gut. That’s why gut health is linked to immune health...

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It seems like most of the time when we talk about current research in calf rearing, we are mostly considering heifer calves raised as dairy replacements. Current research also takes much into consideration for raising calves for meat.  The University of Guelph recently reported on some great information regarding choosing and raising calves for veal or beef.

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The final good to great quality we will be discussing is passion. Passion is where the rubber meets the road, these are the people with pride in what they do, and it is engraved in their souls. This past week I had the opportunity of visiting with someone very passionate for the agriculture industry, Katharine Lotspeich. Katharine moved with her family, and their dairy cows, from Connecticut to Southern Utah when she was just 3 years old. They were looking forward to the opportunity the west provided for the growth of their dairy operation...

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The fourth quality we will be discussing is goal setting. We all have a dream to have a low cost of production with a high return, but how do we get there? It’s setting micro goals on a daily basis to get to the big goal. I recently had the opportunity to visit with Brooke Vanderloop of the AVA Group, Inc...

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